the first ever Art on Murray, an art and harvest festival.
This outdoor event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 1 p.m. until 10 p.m., with artists vending until dusk (or later if they choose to do so -- they must provide their own light source -- no electricity is available).
We hope to host around 30 artists for this event, which will have a harvest-themed flair including candy apples, music, pumpkins, games, contests and more. The businesses of Murray Avenue will also be involved that day, vending both food and drink indoors as well as out.
In the evening, the festival will shift from a more family-friendly atmosphere to an Oktoberfest-style celebration with drink, games and music.
A 10x10 booth space is $45. Please e-mail by Oct. 10 for more information.
--->I will be there!! Come out & see me- my FIRST EVER time showing art in Milwaukee.. & they DO still need artists!! Be sure to contact Jenn [email above] to get a space!<---

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